Monday, February 05, 2007


Drill Sargent 'IRIS' Derek Hartley Romaine Patterson

Well I thought I had heard it all in my years in this business, but the other night shocked me maybe just a little. When Lesbian radio star Romaine Patterson of the hit Sirius Satellite radio show, 'The Derek And Romaine Show' called me and told me to come to the studio Friday night, many things went through my mind. First of all it was wierd her calling me because these days shes been building a Lesbian Love Nest with her Lover Iris 'THE DRILL SARGENT' and Romaine has been so bad at returning calls, I just thought she went to Lesbian Limbo.

Many things went through my mind. First thing was that they were going to play a joke on me as they have done that in the past. Second thing was that someone was leaving the show or they were moving to a new time slot. Third was Romaine or Drill Sargent Iris were having a baby, but I quickly threw that out of my mind.

As I left my watering hole Langans where I was drinking with NY Post's Steve Dunleavy, I arrived at Sirius Radio and went through the 20 minute security checkpoint downstairs and another one upstairs I finally make my way to the studio for their announcement. Romaine is 17 weeks pregnant ! The Lesbian shock jock was giving birth in July and she was telling her listeners she was going on maternity leave soon, but wanted them to go through the event with her. She invited her audience to follow her adventures on her new website www.PushRomaine.Com . At first we were pointing the finger at Derek Hartley because he would be the most logical choice to become the sperm donor, but Romaine quickly said that she went to a thousand dollar a month sperm bank and got knocked up the first time. She was beaming along with Sargent Iris, who I really like and think the world of since we partied a year ago on a cold Christmas day. They are the perfect couple and they are going to be great parents. Tune into 'The Derek And Romaine Show' and follow the adventures every day at 6pm EST....

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